Update on the May cycling challenge:

It’s finals time at school, so I’m in the midst of finishing projects (just gave a 10 minute presentation on Haïti, and am finishing a paper on post-tsunami Indonesia). Also, I had a late night yesterday with my college buddy, Lunesse, who is managing Thomas Dolby’s tour and was in town for a show. I’ll post more about that later….

As such, my riding in the past couple of days has been somewhat minimal. I actually had to resort to the “ride around the block” bailout yesterday – and yes, it was a ride around the block, accounting for a shade more than 0.2 mile. Today, it’s the commute to and from work (4 miles, round-trip). No “Downtown Breakaway” this week.

Perhaps I’ll go for a nice ride tomorrow, and I might join the PPTC ride from Tenley Circle on Thursday, if the weather cooperates. This is one of the coolest, most oddball months of May I’ve had since moving to the east in 1993.

And Happy Birthday to my “sanity,” Penny! She’s almost a Ph.D., now – time flies.