Y’know, if BushCo had actually followed through in Afghanistan, rather than launch military action against a country that was no threat to us (or to its own region), perhaps we wouldn’t be asked to fly without beverages, books, iPods, etc.

As Cory Doctorow points out, what’s happening now with so-called aviation security could easily be extended indefinitely – after all, BushCo’s only way to try and keep power is to continue playing on fear.

Frankly, it’s never worked on me, but it works on middle America, the area least likely to see any immediate effects from terrorism. However, what credibility do Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Chertoff and the like have these days?

Has the U.S. finished its mission in Afghanistan? No.

Has the U.S. created a “free and stable” Iraq? No.

Have they worked on eliminating our dependence on petroleum? No.

Have they worked on eliminating reasons for other nations, states and cultures to hate us? No.

The only things they have done: they’ve ruined the economy, weakened security both at home and abroad, have pandered to a small segment of the voting population, and have refused to listen to anybody with a dissenting or contrasting view time and time again.

It’s time for this madness to end. We need to move away from the politics of fear and look toward hope, progress, and fixing what’s wrong with our own country, rather than try and bully our way around the world.

And in terms of travel, it’s time to get real and let folks travel with dignity, rather than treat all passengers like suspects. Sure, in the immediate wake of the terror plot bust, be cautious. But don’t drag it out – there’s just no need.