Talk Like A Pirate DayAfter all, today is “Talk Like A Pirate Day.”

Be mindful, though: if you don’t show your sea legs today, I can’t guarantee that you won’t be held at sword’s end, being eased toward a date with Davy Jones (and I don’t mean the Monkee).

Funny thing: it’s not too tough to feel like a pirate here in DC. Perhaps it’s because the city is already full of the kind of duplicitous folk who would’ve been part of the pirate scene back in the day.

Also, three cheers for the New York Mets!

Let’s go Mets!
Let’s go Mets!
Let’s go Mets!

(As far as the Nats are concerned, there’s always next year. However, Ryan Zimmerman has certainly made the case to win “Rookie of the Year.”)