thoughtful. entertaining. random.

bush has no spine, balls or brain

Of course, I’ve felt this way about the “president” for years – since he was elected annointed in 2000.

He came in clueless – like a frat boy who was having the ultimate keg party.

Then 9/11 happened, and at the one point where he had both political parties, as well as a majority of the world, behind him, he blew it – big time. The military action against the Taliban and Al Qaida was botched from the get-go.

Then he attacked Iraq, based on false pretenses and flat-out lies. The country was never a threat to the United States, did not (at the time of attack) harbor Al Qaida terrorists, and was likely going to undergo an organic turnover of government within a year or two of our attack.

The United States, under Bush and his cronies, has continued to play the “vote for us or the terrorists will win card” since 2001, to great success for the Republican party, but at great expense to the United States and its standing in the global community. Forget the fact that Afghanistan was botched, and that Iraq military action is now a quagmire nearing the scale of Vietnam; Bush claimed that the Democrats (and centrist Republicans) were going to let the terrorists into the U.S. and that’s that.

And don’t forget that, since 2001, the U.S. has worsened its stewardship of the environment in order to line the pockets of big businessmen in obsolete industries.

BushCo kissed up to the most radical and devisive of his supporters – especially the so-called evangelical right – and played them for votes, even if he had no intent of paying them any more than lip service.

But as we’ve all learned, that’s how Bush works: he’s in his own world, he doesn’t read the news, he doesn’t listen.

And now he might be creating his own “fear factor” for the upcoming elections: since he hasn’t been able to capture a terrorist leader with a failing renal system, it looks like he might be sending a naval battery to attack Iran on the eve of the election – and like he might be paying new lip service to the evangelicals from whom he is losing support more and more with each passing week..

If Bush does this, I will have no choice but to label him a member of his own “axis of evil” – as if he isn’t already a member of said club – and hope that the voters see through his petulant tantrums.

No, Mr. Bush, the U.S. population doesn’t trust what you, your advisers, and your party have done to this country. In order to save what’s left of the tarnished dignity of this country, it is vital that we insert a check into your power by voting in a Democratic majority into both the House and Senate this November.

Mr. Bush, you have no spine: you insist on attacking anybody and everybody who doesn’t think like you, and can’t stand up to basic attacks on your lack of compassion. Compassion, Mr. Bush, requires more of a spine than wielding overpriced weaponry on helpless civilians and failing foreign governments.

Mr. Bush, you have no balls. You refuse to admit that you have failed in your basic mission as president: “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Instead, you’ve taken the way of a coward: eroding civil liberties and rights of the people you claim to defend, while trying to push the same rights into a culture that doesn’t subscribe to the same basis of “morals” as you.

Mr. Bush, you have no brain. You can’t see the forest for the trees. And you treat your consitutents like they don’t have brains, either. You are a disgrace to both Yale and Harvard – and I’m sure the only reason you got into the former was due to a family legacy. A self-admitted “C+ student” should not be the leader of one of the most powerful countries on the face of the Earth.

Let the me no misunderstanding, Mr. Bush: you are a failure as president, as a leader, and as a role model. You should be ashamed.

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