Activity: road cycling
Location: Bowie, MD > Friendship, MD > Bowie
Distance: 52.8 miles (rolling hills)
Duration: 2:52
Weather: sunny with a breeze, 70-80 degrees
Avg HR: 131 (max 170)
Type: aerobic

PPTC “Bowie To The Beach And Back (In Time For Baseball)” ride, led by me. This ride left Allen Pond Park at 7:45 in the morning, so only one intrepid soul showed up to ride with me. But that was good, as we improvised a route that fit the time constraints necessary to get back in time to drive to RFK. But the early start time also meant precious little traffic and more wildlife sightings than usual – I saw at least three red foxes on the ride.

Stopped at Fabulous Brew in Friendship for a latté around mile 26, which was fantastic – and the owners were really pleased that “some of you cyclists finally stopped in to say hello.” I’ll definitely return.