I’ve been remiss in counting commuting miles in my blog because to me, they’re just something that happens: 4.1 miles of pavé between The Burrow and work, round trip. It’s not a long commute, by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s something:

  • a morning wake-up call that opens the still-drowsy eyes.
  • a chance to enjoy the outdoors before sitting at my desk in a windowless cave.
  • time to think on my own, absorbing the sounds of the city: birds, cars, people.
  • a quick spot-check of the bike: listening to the chain, the gears, the sound of the tires on the road.

So it’s an extra 4.1 miles on most working days. It does add up, for sure, but it’s just something I don’t feel a need to blog about every time I ride to and from work.