Activity: road cycling
Location: Dupont Circle > Great Falls/Avenel, MD
Distance: 31.9 miles
Duration: 2:00
Weather: hot and sunny, 91 degrees
Avg HR: 146 (est.)
Type: aerobic

I almost missed this ride, as I found that I had a flat that developed sometime during my commute home from work. A quick tube change (less than 2 minutes), and I was out the door, working hard to catch up with the PPTC folk. I managed to intercept the B group leader (slower than I usually ride), and we picked up another lost BB rider along the way. I rode a little slower than I’d planned for the first half of the ride, but turned it up for the second half. The major obstacle on these rides for the remainder of the year will be available light, as it’s starting to get dark before 8:00 pm these days.