Isn’t it nice to know that the America Supports You Freedom Walk will have the following restrictions:

  • Only pre-registered participants may walk the route.
  • A four-foot-tall security fence along the route will prevent non-registrants from joining the walk.
  • The press will be limited to three “pens” along the route, no more.

Of course, the Department of Defense, who organized this mess, claims that the “police demanded such restrictions.” That’s a crock of horse shit if ever I’ve read it!

Why doesn’t the U.S. Park Police demand four-foot-tall security fences for the parades on Constitution Avenue, or the protests that pass the White House? And can’t the press take pictures anywhere along these routes?

As Trey Parker and Matt Stone sang in Team America: World Police, “freedom isn’t free.” In fact, it’s downright restrictive.

Something smells fishy inside the Beltway – and it’s not the Tidal Basin.