thoughtful. entertaining. random.

pondering this season’s big rides

Spring is definitely in bloom here in DC. There are flowers on the ground and buds (and even a few flowers) on the trees. The birds are singing songs of joy, and the cats are restless.

And though the ski season isn’t over for me yet – I still have trips planned to Utah and Colorado – the local hills are calling it a season after this Sunday. So it’s time to look forward toward the cycling season ahead.

Right now, there are four big rides that are in the “gonna happen” column:

I’m also toying with the idea of riding Mountains of Misery over Memorial Day weekend. It would be quite the ramp in riding to get into riding shape for said ride, but I think it’s totally possible. The ride comes in two flavors – 100 and 124 miles – so there are options, and both routes end with the 1er categorie climb up Snowshoe Mountain. It would certainly make up for my missing Mountain Mama, which falls the same weekend as the Shasta ride.

So I’m pondering. There’s a lot of open space in June and July for some epic rides.

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