I’ve been at a rehab facility since last Thursday night. The ambulance transfer from GW Hospital was bumpy and most uncomfortable (even when hopped up on potent painkillers), but the new facility is perfect for getting me back on my feet, with excellent medical and therapy staff, a nice building, decent food, and good wi-fi. 😉
Since arriving here, I’ve undergone physical and occupational therapy evaluations – a three-day process that was slowed by the holiday weekend – which have brought forth aggressive, three-hours-per-day PT and OT sessions. It’s taxing on me, but that’s a good thing.
One thing I’ve been overcoming is a low hemoglobin count, due to both the transfusion-free nature of my surgery and the internal blood loss from the crash. It bottomed out just after my arrival at the rehab facility, but has been on the rise since. It makes a huge difference! Standing initially made me winded and woozy. Now I can stand (with a walker, as I can’t bear weight on the repaired leg just yet), and I’m not on the verge of passing out.
So I’m still here, getting better every day, still smiling. I even got to go outside yesterday (before the snow and cold moved back in), and the sun felt nice on my skin – natural vitamin D production, can’t beat it!
22 January 2014 — 19:00
OK, glad things are moving in the right direction.