I really have nothing substantive to write about today. My Sunday featured two bike rides, some gardening, a visit to a wonderful little coffee shop, some lovely edamame and spaghetti squash for supper, and a viewing of the first episode of Inspector Morse.

One of the bike trips and the coffee shop will figure in a future post, but the shop’s menu is a corker. It featured a selection of coffee-related quotes, and this one stuck out to me as particularly prescient in a house where I drink coffee and sprite drinks tea:

“If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.” – Abraham Lincoln

So… there’s Sunday for ‘ya. Back to standard time, and the end of the weekend.

(This is – you guessed it – another NaBloPoMo post. Three days in a row – who’da thunk it?)