In the midst of tragedy, getting political is a raw, touchy subject. But ignoring the white elephant in the corner of the room isn’t going to help, so here goes…

Courtesy of Ned Sublette (as seen at Boing Boing – bolding is mine):

as new orleans, now exclusively populated by a starving, parched skeleton crew of the abandoned descendants of slaves, comes apart at the seams:

the right has gotten their wish. they successfully made government ineffective. this is what happens when you take away the power of government. the point of effective government is to keep this from happening to society. and there is no better poster boy for the ineffectivity of government than the sitting president.

the literal meaning of homeland security is that you secure the land you live on, no? by now the absolute vacuum of leadership is becoming apparent even to TV viewers.

in his eerie disconnectedness to what’s going on around him, isn’t it starting to seem like bush is heavily medicated? he’s *zonked*, right?

do they have him take these long vacations so they can change his meds? what’s going on here?

he’s got to go. he’s got to go *now*.

The Democratic Party needs to mobilize now: get their troops out in the trenches, not only helping in person and in legislative action, but also by pointing out what four-plus years of gutting the federal government to give tax breaks to the rich, as well as over-stretching our armed forces, has done to weaken our country.

If anything, NOLA shows how precariously close this country is to complete anarchy at any given time. And weakening the largest oversight organization – the federal goverment – only tips the scales further towards potential disorder and disaster.

So, President Bush: are you happy now?