I remember when everybody (myself included, at the time) was lambasting President Clinton in 1993, saying that his cabinet and their staff were too green, too inexperienced. And they admitted as much, grew into their positions, and eventually proved to be very, very effective.

Today, the Washington Post reveals the truth that most of BushCo’s FEMA crew has no experience in handling disasters. Most of Bush’s top FEMA appointees were culled from his election staff: people who were good doo-bees in helping whitewash and smear the Kerry/Edwards campaign, but not good at much else. And now they are the front-line people during times of domestic crisis.

Not to mention the Time article that reveals how FEMA director Michael Brown’s résumé was padded. How padded was it? It shows overstatement of experience in crisis management to the tune of completely inaccurate representation of his past duties. His administrative experience was lacking, his legal experience a pittance of what the writing on the résumé laid out. But he’s a part of BushCo, so what’s a little “padding of the truth,” anyway?

And last, but certainly not least, my friend Abby reminded me that my old senator, Joe Lieberman (D-CT), was the presiding Democrat for Brown’s confirmation hearings. How now, Joe? How now?