The smug grin. The hyperbole. The need to repeat the same drivel again and again and again.

Yup – it’s BushCo delivering their annual report…. er, State of the Union.

He is, of course, leaving out a lot of details: the fact that other Presidents who’ve used FISA have obtained the necessary warrants, the fact that we’re loathed in Iraq and the Middle East, the fact that he won’t listen to the majority of Democrats.

Bush is using all the key words – so often that I had to abandon the drinking game in the first ten minutes, and I was drinking a half liter!

The Dems are mostly sitting on their hands where appropriate, save for turncoats like Lieberman. (And yes, I signed up to help Ned Lamont – if you live in Connecticut, you should, too,)

The only good note? The comments about Coretta Scott King. No matter how you feel about Bush, it was classy.