Activity: road cycling
Location: Dupont Circle > Travilah, MD
Distance: 45.8 miles (rolling, small hills)
Duration: 2:39
Weather: hazy sun, 61 to 64 degrees
Avg HR: 154 (max 176)
Type: aerobic

Back on the bike for a solo ride on a wonderful early-March day. I can tell I’ve been off the wheels, but I built up gradually and that helped – my speed came back quickly. After a rest stop at mile 28, it took the legs a little longer than usual to get back up to speed, but it wasn’t such a big deal. Much as I’m still itching to ski, riding today got me back in the cycling mood. I think I need to overhaul the LeMond soon, though, because it was a bit noisier than usual for the first while (or maybe it was just complaining because I didn’t ride for a while).