Activity: alpine skiing
Location: Whitetail Ski Area, Mercersburg, PA
Start time: 0840 hrs.
End time: 1440 hrs.
Vertical Skied: 26,500 ft. over 35 runs
Weather: sunny, 25-50 degrees
Max HR (bursts): 170
Type: anaerobic

A great day of skiing on my new Blizzard skis. I got to the mountain just before the lifts opened, so my first runs were on nice, firm corduroy snow. The crowds didn’t materialize until 10:15 or so, and I took advantage of the scarcity of skiers by skiing some high speed turns, non-stop, with turn radii like a typical GS course. The new skis really held well on all surfaces, and the Marker Piston Control system really made a difference on the underlying boilerplate ice. As the crowds showed up, the snow turned into a nice corn consistency, eventually turning into a mashed-potato slush that was a big workout. With as many runs as I made, the workout was pretty good – my legs burned for the next two days (a good burn, though).

You can view pictures from this skiing excursion here.