thoughtful. entertaining. random.

workout log: 9 june 2007

Activity: road cycling
Location: Frederick, MD > Thurmont, MD > Frederick, MD
Distance: 68.0 miles (hilly)
Duration: 3:35
Weather: partly cloudy, 75-86 degrees
Avg HR: 150 (max 180)
Type: aerobic

PPTC “Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on the President’s Door” ride, which passed by Camp David in the first half of the ride (Bush was in Europe, so no sightings). Speaking of the first half, it had some brutal hills. The climb up Park Central Road (in Catoctin Mountain Park, where Camp David is located) was very steep in certain stretches. The cue sheet was missing some critical data about road nomenclature, so I stopped to figure out a couple of turns and lost the lead group for a spell. But the rangers in the park cheered all of us on as if we were in Le Tour, which was really cool. I rode with the lead pack after the rest stop, which was tough but fun. I was worn out for the rest of the day: not sore, but drained. It was a great ride.

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