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fun with politics

Two things in the land of politics that have caught my eye recently:

  • It looks like Joe Lieberman (D-CT) is trying to place himself more in line with BushCo than with his own party. And it looks like Lowell Weicker (I-CT) might be leaning toward running a challenge campaign to win back his old senate seat.

    While Lieberman has been inching further and further to the right over the past few years, Weicker has remained socially progressive – he used to be a model Republican (socially progressive, fiscally conservative). Of late, Weicker has had more in common with the Democrats than had Lieberman, which shows how far Joe has strayed. Joe’s gotta watch his back, quit resting on his past achievements and figure out which party he wants to dance with in the future.
  • While I still think it’s too early to be discussing the mayor’s race here in DC, I’ve already narrowed my field to three. Thanks to a forum of Baptist ministers on Monday, I’ve been able to cross Linda Cropp and Vincent Orange off of my list. Why? They came out against civil unions for same-sex couples – a key issue for me. The other three candidates – Adrian Fenty, Marie Johns and Michael Brown are still in the running, as they all support civil unions.

    I’ve yet to make up my mind about Fenty, Johns and Brown. All three have strong points and weaknesses that I need to assess more closely before coming to any conclusion. But choosing from three is a lot easier than choosing from five. And it’s too bad that I can’t vote for the one person whose race I wholeheartedly support in 2006: Sam Brooks, who is running for DC Council in Ward 3.
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