thoughtful. entertaining. random.

two plusses from the wilcox show

One of the positive things that came out of the David Wilcox show the other night was his CD sale. He and Nance, along with their son, Nate, are embarking on a year-plus roadtrip across the U.S.A., living in an Airstream trailer. As such, David and Nance are selling some of their extensive CD collection.

Thanks to their sale, two “new to me” CDs have entered the 1,300-something collection here in The Burrow:

I always enjoy adding more music to the collection, especially from artists whose presence in the fold is somewhat lacking.

The other positive was being able to take in the wonderful sanctuary of St. Mark’s Church. It’s an old, brick structure, quite reminiscent of the old chapel at Rowland Hall-St. Mark’s School’s old Avenues campus. While I’m not religious, I’m in awe of the architecture, spectacle and space involved in houses of worship. St. Mark’s of D.C. is not the biggest Episcopal church I’ve been in (the Cathedral Church of St. Mark in Salt Lake City is much larger), but this place is a lot more comfortable, to me. The arches, buttresses, windows and lighting were so perfect, so right.

Not that it’ll drive me to church, but it was fun to see. Maybe one of these days I’ll finally take the time to see Washington National Cathedral….

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