thoughtful. entertaining. random.

just say no to box stores in dc

Kudos to the six D.C. Council members who introduced the “Big Box Store Amendment of 2005” (a PDF of the amendment can be found here). In a nutshell, this bill will ban the construction or development of any “big box store” larger than 80,000 square feet. Ostensibly, this is aimed at keeping retail predators (read: Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s) out of the District, which is something I appreciate.

While there is a bit of convenience in having a one-stop retailer available (“I need some carrots, motor oil, polo shirts, 2×4 lumber and the latest Spïnal Tap CD, and I want it all in one stop”), these retailers often undercut the local, mom-and-pop stores that are the cornerstones of healthy neighborhoods. Especially damning is Wal-Mart, which not only stifles local retailers, but preaches an ultra-conservative, anti-worker, theocon gospel: workers aren’t allowed to unionize, pharmacists are barred from providing emergency contraception, and music sold at their locations is often censored or altered.

But back to the bill. This bill may also throw a wrench in the financing of a new stadium for the Nationals, as one of the possible stadium construction and finance plans involves the construction of a big box retailer (either a Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, Costco, or the like) that will get naming rights for the ballpark as well as a location in southeast D.C. Frankly, the destruction of an area that is coming back to vibrancy on its own is not worth it, and I’m glad to see members of the Council taking this into account.

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